BollyWood Movies List


Chhatriwali In the heart of a traditional small town in Haryana resides Sanya (Rakul Preet Singh), a bright and young chemistry graduate. Despite her qualifications, the conservative societal norms of her town pose hurdles in her quest for a job that aligns with her...



Shehzada (2023) A Twist of Fate In the bustling city of Mumbai, Vallabh, portrayed by the charismatic Kartik Aaryan, embodies the carefree spirit of a young man raised in the warmth of a middle-class family. Adopted by Paresh Rawal, a loving and supportive figure,...

Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar

Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar

"Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar" Introduction In the bustling cityscape of Mumbai, Mickey, portrayed by Ranbir Kapoor, was renowned as a self-proclaimed "love guru." His modus operandi involved skillfully dismantling relationships, leaving hearts shattered in his wake....

Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani

Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani

Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani A Chance Encounter Rocky Randhawa, portrayed by the charismatic Ranveer Singh, emerges as a vivacious Punjabi youth with an infectious zeal for life. One fateful day, his journey intertwines with that of Rani Chatterjee, a cerebral...



OMG 2 A Divine Dilemma Unveiled Introduction of OMG 2 OMG 2 in August 2023, the silver screens witnessed the release of "OMG 2," a poignant narrative unraveling the trials of Akshay Kumar, a devoted father plunged into a tumultuous journey when his son faces expulsion...

Mission Majnu

Mission Majnu

Mission Majnu A Covert Dance with Destiny Set against the backdrop of the tumultuous 1970s, "Mission Majnu" intricately weaves the tale of Amandeep Singh, an undercover RAW agent immersed in the shadows of espionage. Assigned the alias Tariq Hussain, Amandeep embarks...

Aakhir Palaayan Kab Tak

Introduction Of Aakhir Palaayan Kab Tak: In a remote village nestled amidst the lush greenery of the Indian countryside, the tranquil lives of its inhabitants are abruptly disrupted by an impending threat – the construction of a massive dam that will submerge their...

Scammy Boys

Introduction: Scammy Boys "Scammy Boys" is a Hindi thriller film released on February 16, 2024, featuring a gripping narrative centered around the lives of two friends, Piyush and Pankaj, who find themselves embroiled in a world of crime and deceit. Synopsis The movie...



Story of Starfish In the 2023 Indian romantic drama "Starfish," Tara Salgaonkar (Khushalii Kumar) embodies the struggle of a young woman yearning to break free from societal constraints. Trapped in a gilded cage by her wealthy family's expectations, Tara finds solace...


Introduction: "Dashmi" "Dashmi" is a gripping Indian Hindi-language action thriller film that takes audiences on a thrilling ride through the world of vengeance and justice. Directed by Shantanu Anant Tambe and produced by Deep Dhillon and Jatinder Kaur, the movie...

Ajab Gajab Dhamal

Ajab Gajab Dhamal

Ajab Gajab Dhamal: A Tale of Mix-ups and Mirthful Mayhem Genre: Comedy, Adventure Cast: Jaswinder Bhalla: Jarnail Singh, an unsuspecting farmer wrongly accused and incarcerated for a trivial offense. Sunil Grover: Tarsem Lal, a charismatic trickster with a penchant...



"Joram" (2023) - A Gripping Tale of Survival, Justice, and Social Struggle "Joram" is an enthralling Indian Hindi thriller film helmed and scripted by the talented filmmaker Devashish Makhija, known for his adept portrayal of societal challenges. With a stellar...


Story of "Bhakshak" In the mystical land of Bhakrapur, nestled amidst serene mountains and lush forests, a tale of ancient prophecies and long-lost legacies unfolds. The town, shrouded in mystery and folklore, is home to an enigmatic artifact - the Bhakshak, a...

Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya

Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya

Introduction: Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya "Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya" is a futuristic romance that weaves together elements of drama, sci-fi, and heartfelt emotions. Led by a talented cast and helmed by visionary directors, the film promises to deliver an...

Game Over

Game Over

The Story of "Game Over" In the bustling city of Mumbai, a group of passionate and talented filmmakers came together to bring forth a groundbreaking project, "Game Over." This captivating tale, set in the year 2024, revolves around the journey of a young and ambitious...

6 9 5

6 9 5

The movie 6 9 5 portrays the 500-year struggle for the construction of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, shedding light on crucial milestones leading up to the Supreme Court's 2019 decision permitting its construction. The film 6 9 5 opens in 1858 as a group of Sikhs,...

Main Atal Hoon

Main Atal Hoon

Introduction: "Main Atal Hoon" is a Hindi drama film directed by the acclaimed filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani, renowned for his thought-provoking narratives and impactful storytelling. Set against the contemporary backdrop of India, the film delves into the life of a young...



"Devil" (2023) - Unofficial Hindi Dubbed Introduction: "Devil" is a gripping South Korean action-thriller film that captivates audiences with its intense storyline and riveting performances. Directed by Kim Joo-hwan, the movie takes viewers on a roller-coaster ride...


Kida Genre: Thriller, Mystery Introduction: In the bustling city of Mumbai, where the neon lights never sleep and secrets lurk in every corner, unfolds the gripping tale of "Kida." This Hindi dubbed movie is a thrilling rollercoaster ride that takes audiences on a...

Maama Mascheendra

Maama Mascheendra: An Intricate Tale of Intrigue and Complexity Plot Overview The 2023 Indian Telugu-language action film Maama Mascheendra, directed by Harsha Vardhan, delves into the narrative against the backdrop of childhood trauma, shaping the character Parasuram...


Kaatera: A Story of Courage and Change The much-awaited movie Kaatera is set to make its mark in the Hindi film industry with its powerful narrative and stellar performances. Directed by Tarun Sudhir, this film promises to be an exhilarating experience for the...


Zehan Introduction Zehan:In the labyrinthine corridors of the mind, where shadows dance with the light, lies the enigmatic tale of Aakash, a titan of industry veiled in mystery and intrigue. Alongside him, we encounter Maya, a mesmerizing dancer whose past casts a...


Introduction: "Phaans" is a gripping Indian crime thriller that immerses viewers into the heart of a high-profile murder investigation. Directed by A. K. Herry, the film delves deep into the murky world of politics, power, and deception. With its intense storyline and...


"Lantrani" (2024): A Glimpse into Small-Town Struggles Introduction "Lantrani" (2024) emerges as a cinematic ode to the intricacies of life in small Indian towns and villages, weaving together a tapestry of laughter, tears, and profound insights. Helmed by the...

Dry Day

"Dry Day" (2023): A Sobering Tale of Redemption and Resistance Unveiling the Narrative Tapestry In the heartland of a small town, "Dry Day" unfolds the gripping saga of Gannu, a ne'er-do-well and alcoholic, entangled in the web of his own vices. Working as a henchman...

Latest Movies

Farzi Season 1

Farzi Season 1

Introduction: "Farzi (2023) Hindi Season 1" Welcome to the chaotic streets of Mumbai, where the web series "Farzi (2023) Hindi Season 1" unfolds. In this bustling metropolis, deception lurks around every corner, and survival often depends on one's ability to outwit...

Operation Valentine

Operation Valentine

Introduction: Operation Valentine "Operation Valentine (2024)" is a delightful romantic comedy that brings together the charming duo of Varun Tej and Manushi Chhillar in a heartwarming tale of love, laughter, and serendipity. Set against the backdrop of modern-day...



Introduction: Bhimaa "Bhimaa" (2024), a captivating Hindi dubbed movie, immerses viewers in a world of action, drama, and intrigue. With its compelling storyline and dynamic performances, the film promises an exhilarating cinematic experience. Synopsis: We follow the...

Oye Bhole Oye

Oye Bhole Oye

"Oye Bhole Oye" (2024) - A Captivating Punjabi Comedy Drama Introduction "Oye Bhole Oye" is a Punjabi movie released on February 16, 2024, directed by Varinder Ramgarhia. The film promises a delightful blend of comedy and drama, offering an engaging cinematic...

Warning 2

Warning 2

Introduction: Warning 2 Punjabi movie "Warning 2 (2024)" catapults audiences into the heart of Punjab's action-packed underworld, where loyalty is tested, alliances are forged, and danger lurks around every corner. Directed by a visionary filmmaker and brought to life...

Gabru Gang

Gabru Gang

Introduction: Gabru Gang (2024): A Kite-Flying Chronicle "Gabru Gang" (2024) invites viewers into the colorful and competitive world of kite flying, offering a unique blend of sports, friendship, and family dynamics that promises to entertain and inspire Directed by...



Introduction: Razakar (2024): A Controversial Take on History "Razakar" (2024), alternatively titled "Razakar: The Silent Genocide of Hyderabad," emerges as a bold and contentious entry in Telugu cinema. Directed by Yata Satyanarayana, this epic historical action...

Kuch Khattaa Ho Jaay

Kuch Khattaa Ho Jaay

"Kuch Khattaa Ho Jaay" (2024): A Hilarious Hindi Comedy Introduction: "Kuch Khattaa Ho Jaay" is a delightful Hindi comedy film that graced the screens in 2024, bringing with it a stellar cast and a refreshing take on love, family, and misunderstandings. Directed by G....



Introduction: Ruslaan "Ruslaan" (2024) is an action-packed thriller that promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Directed by Karan Lalit Butani, this Hindi film stars Aayush Sharma, Sushrii Shreya Mishraa, Jagapathi Babu, and Vidya Malvade in pivotal...

Lucky Scheme

Lucky Scheme

Introduction: Lucky Scheme "Lucky Scheme" is a Punjabi movie that promises to captivate audiences with its blend of comedy, drama, and suspense. Set against the backdrop of rural Punjab, the film takes viewers on a thrilling ride filled with unexpected twists and...

Mission Chapter 1

Mission Chapter 1

Introduction: Mission Chapter 1 "Mission Chapter 1" (2024) is a high-octane Tamil-language action thriller film that captivates audiences with its intense narrative, compelling characters, and adrenaline-pumping sequences. Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Gautham...



Introduction: Crew "Crew" (2024) is an Indian Hindi-language comedy film directed by Rajesh Krishnan. Released on March 29, 2024, the movie promises an entertaining blend of humor and drama, featuring a stellar cast and an engaging storyline. Synopsis: In "Crew," the...

Bengal 1947

Bengal 1947

Introduction: Bengal 1947 Welcome to "Bengal 1947," a historical drama that transports viewers to a tumultuous period in Indian history. Set against the backdrop of the partition of Bengal in 1947, this film delves into the lives of ordinary people caught in the...

Do Aur Do Pyaar

Do Aur Do Pyaar

Introduction: Do Aur Do Pyaar A Romantic Symphony: "Do Aur Do Pyaar" In the heartwarming narrative of "Do Aur Do Pyaar," love finds its melody amidst the bustling rhythms of life, weaving a tapestry of emotions that resonate with the human spirit. Directed by the...

Luv You Shankar

Luv You Shankar

Introduction: Luv You Shankar A Heartwarming Tale: "Luv You Shankar" "Luv You Shankar" is a poignant exploration of love, sacrifice, and redemption set against the vibrant backdrop of Mumbai's bustling streets. Directed by the visionary Anurag Kashyap and featuring...