South Indian Dubbed Movies List



Introduction: Ayalaan "Ayalaan," a 2024 Indian Tamil-language science fiction film, takes audiences on a thrilling journey into the realms of the unknown. Directed by R. Ravikumar and starring Sivakarthikeyan and Rakul Preet Singh, this cinematic masterpiece explores...

Hi Papa

Hi Papa

The Story of "Hi Papa" In the serene embrace of a picturesque village, cocooned amidst verdant foliage, resided a young maiden named Aisha. Her effervescent spirit painted the canvas of her days with hues of curiosity and adventure, as she traversed the landscape,...



Introduction The action thriller "Saindhav," directed by Sailesh Kolanu, revolves around Saindhav (Venkatesh), a former member of the drugs and guns mafia who decides to start a new life as a crane operator at the Indraprastha port. After losing his wife, he dedicates...

Guntur Kaaram

Introduction: Guntur Kaaram 2024 Hindi Dubbed "Guntur Kaaram" is an action-packed drama film set to captivate audiences with its thrilling storyline and powerful performances. Directed by Trivikram Srinivas, this movie marks the third collaboration between the...

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas It was a cold and snowy Christmas Eve in the charming town of Pineville. The town was bustling with holiday cheer as families prepared for the annual Christmas festival. Amidst the festive atmosphere, a heartwarming tale of love, family, and hope was...

Baipan Bhari Deva

Baipan Bhari Deva: A Tale of Sisterhood and Empowerment Introduction "Baipan Bhari Deva" is a 2023 Marathi-language drama film that has garnered significant attention and acclaim for its portrayal of the bond between sisters and the empowerment of women in Indian...



Hanuman - Movie Synopsis The movie Hanuman revolves around Hero, who acquires the power of Lord Hanuman to protect the people of Anjanadri. After coming into contact with a mysterious gem, he faces off against the antagonist, Michael. The film is set in a modern-day...

Jayamma Panchayathi

The Story of Jayamma Panchayathi Once upon a time, in a quaint village nestled amidst lush greenery, there lived a young, courageous woman named Jayamma Panchayathi. She was known for her unwavering determination and indomitable spirit. The village, however, was...



Movie Story of Ratham 2024 Hindi The 2023 Indian Tamil-language action thriller film, Ratham, directed by C. S. Amudhan, was released on October 6, 2023, and received mixed reviews from critics. The film stars Vijay Antony, Mahima Nambiar, Nandita Swetha, and Remya...

Kaathal The Core

Title: Kaathal The Core Genre: Science Fiction, Romance Plot Summary: Introduction: In the not-so-distant future, humanity faces a crisis unlike any before. As the Earth's core begins to destabilize, triggering catastrophic natural disasters, scientists race against...


Kida Genre: Thriller, Mystery Introduction: In the bustling city of Mumbai, where the neon lights never sleep and secrets lurk in every corner, unfolds the gripping tale of "Kida." This Hindi dubbed movie is a thrilling rollercoaster ride that takes audiences on a...

Maama Mascheendra

Maama Mascheendra: An Intricate Tale of Intrigue and Complexity Plot Overview The 2023 Indian Telugu-language action film Maama Mascheendra, directed by Harsha Vardhan, delves into the narrative against the backdrop of childhood trauma, shaping the character Parasuram...

Fight Club

Fight Club

Story: "Fight Club 2024" In the year 2024, the world was on the brink of chaos. Political unrest and economic disparity had reached an all-time high, plunging societies into disarray. Amidst this turmoil, a mysterious organization known as the "Fighter Club" emerged,...


Kaatera: A Story of Courage and Change The much-awaited movie Kaatera is set to make its mark in the Hindi film industry with its powerful narrative and stellar performances. Directed by Tarun Sudhir, this film promises to be an exhilarating experience for the...


Thamilarasan (2024) - Hindi Dubbed: A Review Compilation Introduction "Thamilarasan (2024) Hindi Dubbed" offers audiences an adrenaline-fueled ride into the heart of action and suspense. Directed by Babu Yogeswaran and featuring a stellar cast led by Vijay Antony,...


Introduction to the Sasanasabha "Sasanasabha" (2024) stands as an anticipated Indian Telugu-language political thriller, meticulously crafted under the adept direction of Venu Madikanti. Produced in collaboration by People Media Factory and Zee Studios, this cinematic...



Leo 2023 Hindi Movie Introduction: "Leo (also marketed as Leo: Bloody Sweet)" is a gripping Tamil film that blends elements of action, romance, and drama to deliver an emotionally charged cinematic experience. Directed by a visionary filmmaker, the movie captivates...

Latest Movies

Madgaon Express

Madgaon Express

Introduction: "Madgaon Express" "Madgaon Express" (2024) is a riveting drama that takes viewers on a journey through the complexities of human emotions and relationships. Set against the backdrop of a bustling railway station, the film weaves together multiple...

Crakk jeethega toh jiyeega

Crakk jeethega toh jiyeega

Genre: Action, Thriller Synopsis of Crakk jeethega toh jiyeega "Crakk jeethega toh jiyeega" unfolds in the high-octane world of cybercrime and espionage, where a skilled hacker and a determined detective find themselves entangled in a deadly game of cat and mouse. Set...

Godzilla x Kong The New Empire

Godzilla x Kong The New Empire

Introduction: "Godzilla x Kong The New Empire" "Godzilla x Kong The New Empire" (2024) continues the thrilling saga of two iconic Titans, Godzilla and Kong, as they face off in an epic battle for supremacy. Packed with stunning visuals and heart-pounding action, this...



Introduction: Yodha Prepare for an electrifying cinematic experience as we delve into the heart-pounding world of "Yodha." This action-packed thriller will thrust you into the midst of chaos and courage as ordinary individuals are pushed to extraordinary lengths in...



Introduction: Furteela "Furteela" (2024) emerges as a cinematic ode to the spirit of Punjab, celebrating the indomitable courage and unwavering passion of its people. Set against the backdrop of the vibrant wrestling culture that defines the heartland, the film weaves...



Jawan Movie: A Riveting Espionage Thriller Introduction: Jawan "Jawan" emerges as a riveting espionage thriller that plunges audiences into the heart of a high-stakes game of intrigue and danger. Helmed by a visionary director, the film unfolds with pulse-pounding...

Zindabaad Yaarian

Zindabaad Yaarian

Introduction: Zindabaad Yaarian "Zindabaad Yaarian" (2024) is a captivating Indian web series that explores the complexities of relationships, friendship, and personal growth in the modern world. Set against the backdrop of urban life, the series offers a compelling...



Introduction: Shaitaan (2024) Hindi Full Movie "Shaitaan" is a gripping Hindi thriller that delves into the dark and sinister aspects of human nature, exploring themes of crime, morality, and redemption. "Shaitaan" is a gripping Hindi thriller that delves into the...



Introduction: Animal Prepare to be devoured by "Animal," a 2023 Hindi film that transcends the boundaries of conventional cinema, transforming into a primal experience that plunges audiences into the heart of darkness and redemption. Directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga,...



Fighter: Guardians of the Sky Logline: When a shadow of war looms over the nation, India's elite fighter pilots, the Air Dragons, must rise above their personal demons and internal conflicts to become an impenetrable shield against an unseen enemy. Story: The film...

Sardara and Sons

Sardara and Sons

Sardara and Sons (2023): Navigating Generational Tides in Rural Punjab A Rural Saga Unveiled Sardara and Sons: Amidst the vibrant landscapes of rural Punjab, "Sardara and Sons" (2023) unfolds as a poignant family drama, delving into the complexities of tradition,...



Salaar: The Cease Fire Salaar: In the war-torn and tumultuous realm of Khansaar, "Salaar" unfolds, revealing a narrative that intricately weaves together loyalty, betrayal, and revenge. At its heart is Devaratha "Deva" Raisani, portrayed with fierce intensity by...



Introduction: Pathaan "Pathaan" is poised to be a game-changer in Bollywood, marking the highly anticipated return of superstar Shah Rukh Khan to the silver screen after a brief hiatus. Directed by Siddharth Anand and produced by Yash Raj Films, this action-packed...

Pind America

Pind America

Pind America: Introduction Welcome to Pind America, a vibrant tapestry woven from laughter, tears, bhangra beats, and the bittersweet tang of chai brewed in a foreign land. The Sandhu family, led by the charismatic Kartar Singh (imagine Bhinda Aujla's twinkling eyes...



Dunki: A Tale of Dreams, Desperation, and Donkey Flights Plot Summary In the heart of Punjab, India, four friends are united by a shared dream that extends far beyond the borders of their small village, aiming for a better life in London. Leading this determined group...